Car Mechanics has saved the motorist money since April 1958 and today, sixty-plus years on, it still has that same ethos – offering readers handy hints and tips on all aspects of DIY repair.
Car Mechanics covers a vast area of vehicle technology – including diagnostics, drivetrain, suspension, steering, engines, gearboxes and more. Plus, we look at buying used cars, sourcing parts prices for various makes/models and report on fixing our own vehicles.
Car Mechanics is the essential guide for repairing and maintaining cars, giving you the confidence to tackle almost any job at home. We talk at your level and we have experts you can trust to offer the best advice. Our healthy 15 pages per issue of readers’ motoring-related Q&A’s are answered FREE by our experts.
If you like to tinker on cars at home, then Car Mechanics is the ONLY magazine for you. Even if you don’t, you’ll be surprised by the amount of knowledge you’ll receive from each issue.